"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."
~Daniel 2:22~
"It is He who reveals the
profound and hidden things;
profound and hidden things;
He knows what is in the darkness,
and the light dwells with Him."
This verse from Daniel is the very essence of Healing Letters. Both of the above verses describe the source of healing for the injuries, whether moderate or life-threatening, people will encounter in this world. Sharon Alworth is the co-author of Letters from Daughters to Fathers, which is written from a secular perspective. Ms. Alworth gave an endorsement for this book Healing Letters, and she told me that on many occasions friends and readers of her book have asked or suggested that a healing letter book be written from a Christian perspective. People want God in it! My sentiments exactly!
From a Christian worldview, healing cannot take place without a realistic, healthy view of sin. Sin is as permanent a fixture in the human experience as the skin on our bones. The difference is that without skin, we die, but without sin, we live. A healing letter will not save you; it can only address the sin that knows no bounds. Now, you either believe in God and the whole package which includes our sinful nature or there is no sin and you have to justify the wrong doings in this life as something inconsequential. Anyone who has ever been hurt might have a hard time believing there should be no penalties or restitution. If sin does exist, and few would say it does not, then what are we supposed to do with it? Once we can see the impact of our sinful nature, we can name it and confess it and call it what it is.
Today as I write, September 9, 2010, is the day my family joins thousands of other Christians and millions of Jewish folks in observance of the Feast of Trumpets. To the Jewish people, it is Rosh Hashanna, the New Year, and to the Christians it is a very Messianic Holy Day. It began last night at sundown and for 24 hours, around the world shofars, trumpets and other musical instruments will be sounding in mass and people will be shouting praises to the Lord. Why?
Speaking as a New Testament believer, Jesus told a parable in Matthew 25:1-13 about 10 ladies who went out to find a husband. They each took a lamp, but only 5 took oil for their lamp knowing it could be a while before they found their man. Well, those 5 ladies still had oil in their lamps when the others ran out. Those who's lamps were empty had to go to the market to buy some more oil, and while they were gone, the bridegroom came and gathered the ladies who had planned ahead and took them to the wedding feast (v.10) and shut the door.
Scripture explains that there will be a loud voice when our bridegroom Jesus returns just as the Israelites were instructed to shout at the walls of Jericho (Joshua 6:5, 10, 16). And there will be seven trumpet sounds heard throughout the earth, which we should listen for because at the last blow our King Jesus will return and gather up His own just like the Israelite priests were instructed to blow their shofars (Joshua 6:6, 13, 16) in order to receive the victory of Jericho.
What does all this mean -- sin, shofars, lamps, shouting, Jesus' return, "the main thing"? It means this: We have this separation from God called "sin." We have a window of opportunity to remove this separation and it is called our "lifetime." Some people will settle this matter while they have the chance, and sadly some will not. Many will try to settle the matter with any method except the only method that God said will work. God did not prescribe a regimen of prayers or candle lighting or repetitious chants or so many tiny cups of juice and stale bread per year. He did not require of you a tough, outer, self-made shell. He did not even give you permission to come to Him by any road you choose.
He declared His undying love for you and said no one can take you out of His hand once you tuck in under His wing. All you have to do is ask Him to. He wants to be loved in return. It's a 2-way street. He has promised to come back for you and it won't be a secret when He does. Angelic hosts will sound the trumpets and He wants you to be ready, not wandering off looking for the tools He's already supplied you with. Light your lamp by His candle. Let Him fill your reservoir. And whatever you do, don't let the light burn out!
I am so thrilled and honored that you would read Healing Letters. It says to me that there are people out there who are trying, who want more of Jesus, who are working out their salvation, who are preparing themselves for the long haul, and who realize that this world is not all there is but they have to make the best of it while they are here. May our Lord bless you with many tools for your journey. And may no reader attempt this life on his own.
(You will need a Bible for this part.)
Q: "Who needs God, anyway?"
A: John 3:1, 3-7; Romans 3:9, 10, 3:23, 5:12, 10:13; John 1:12
Q: "I'm a good person already."
A: Romans 3:20; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5; John 14:6; Matthew 7:13,14
Q: "And if I don't?"
A: Romans 6:23, Revelation 21:27
Q: "And if I do?"
A: Romans 6:23; Romans 5:8,9; II Corinthians 5:21; Romans 10:9, 10;
John 1:12, 3:16, 5:24, 10:28, 20:31
Q: "Then what?"
A: Luke 13:3; Mark 1:14, 15; Acts 3:19; I Thesselonians 1:9
Q: "Is that it?"
A: Romans 6, James 2:17
Cold is the absence of heat.
Darkness is the absence of light.
Evil is what happens without God.
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