Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stats that speak volumes

The last two times I did blogging here, a historic tornado ripped a path too close for my comfort. The next post was an earthquake in my home with the epicenter just 10 miles away. WAY too close for my comfort! We look at children and say they grow up so fast, but that has more to do with our realization that life truly is merely a vapor passing through eternity. If we were kinder to our fellow adults, we just might say the same about them, "My, you're growing up so fast!" In fact, I tried that out on a handful of people this weekend in various places. They were people I know and perhaps haven't seen in a few weeks. Either the person laughed at my apparently odd sense of humor or more often they denied the allegations that they were growing UP and insisted they were growing OUT. I don't recommend you try this on too many folks, nor do I recommend that you phrase it carelessly and say, "Wow! You're getting so big!!" Not good. But in all sincerity, might we sieze opportunities put before us to "entertain angels unaware" and pay someone a compliment on something internal, like a godly attribute, rather than something external this week?

I enjoy blogging even though this particular blog may not demonstrate that liking very well. My periods of silence here are by no means a reflection of silence in any other area of my life. I often check the stats of this weblog to see the audience stats. I look at it when I need a lift and assurance that the book is still working even when I may not see or hear about it. In viewing those stats, I have discovered just how widespread Healing Letters has become. Whenever I see new visitors, I lift them up in prayer and I pray for the country which they represent. But now I consider these viewers, not as visitors, but as readers, fellow worshipers or fellow seekers, part of this experience that is just as much mine as it is theirs and yours.

Every single person has a story. You are reading this for a reason, not by accident. You have come to this place called "Healing Letters" and I want to avail myself of this electronic outreach to send a big Christian hug and greetings to the readers from the countries represented in the stats:

United States

I can't express to you on this weblog with the miles and pixels and devices that stand between us just how much I long to meet you and hear your God story! I truly do. I know I'm not famous even though my daughter swears I'm the best Mommy in the whole world, but I have been bound to confidentiality in enough venues that it is my "modus operandi" to adhere to such standards whenever the situation or relationship calls for it. Please know this about our correspondence if the very issue has caused you hesitation. Your communications with me will in no way ever be published without permission. I have posted my email address on this website (About the Author) if you are not comfortable with leaving a comment on the blog. However, I do moderate all comments. It seemed appropriate to explain this as I'm expressing my desire to meet people from far away lands.

Just know that if your country is listed above, then you are on my prayer list by location. Of course, I also talked to God about ya'll since I began writing the book and my heart continually communes with Him about you and your trials or circumstances that led you this far and for the fruition of the Spirit in your life. It is amazing to now have geographical locations for my readers. You are such a blessing you me! I truly mean that!

Hugs from near and afar,
Lisa Stough

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