There are a lot of sick people around me right now. Tis the season! Many have a common cold, but most have a variation of the flu. I knew it was only a matter of time before I would be exposed to it as well. I mean, people have to get groceries sometime, even when they are sick, right? And they will probably visit MY grocery store when they do. So I expect it and prepare as best as I can. I have learned a lot about essential oils, herbal supplements, and Native healing tea made of 4 simple plants legal in all 50 states. I was so tired of paying exorbitant copays and medical bills for hospitals and doctors who either did nothing at all for me or a family member or else only gave me medication that had a long list of side effects, any of which could kill me. And with a virus, you can't do anything but treat the symptoms and hope the impostor finds its way out. At least, that's what modern medicine will say.
So we suffer, sometimes greatly, in hopes for the best. I had a friend who passed away a couple years ago from the flu just 3 days after the onset of symptoms. This year, a friend's 10 year old son died from what started out as strep throat. Another friend is a single mother of 5 children who had to take her flu-infected children to the doctor to get medication for their respiratory symptoms. She doesn't have insurance so she paid dearly from what little she has. I see this all the time. I want to help. So I have educated myself, and God has blessed me with natural, inexpensive remedies that most people can afford and I'm willing to help those who cannot afford them. These are highly effective remedies that will not only take away most symptoms, but actually attack at the cellular level to drive the virus out into the open where the immune system can shoot it down.
The problem is, no one wants this kind of help. They'd rather have a doctor tell them what to do and won't listen to anyone without letters after the comma on their name (as if that's a guarantee). I whole heartedly believe there is a place for medical doctors. I also believe we surrender so much of our God-given abilities to doctors merely because they have the power of the pen. We pawn off our personal responsibility and don't even consider that there might be a better, much healthier solution to our problem. I don't have all the answers, and the things I've learned cannot cure everything for every body. But I do have personal testimonies (most recently just this week) of how I DIDN'T suffer when everyone else around me did, and how I saved money by not needing a doctor to tell me I have the flu or common cold or strep throat and prescribing harmful medications all of which would last weeks when my natural tools only last a couple days (at most) to make me fully well again. People say, "Well then you didn't really have the flu or strep." Right! I was exposed and at the first sign of those very noticeable and identifiable symptoms, I employed my strategies and got well quickly. You wouldn't believe me that it works if I got sick anyway, right?
"So why the rant, Lisa? Why are you attacking doctors and modern medicine like some Zealot naturalist with a bitter grudge?" If you think the point of this is an attack on doctors, you are about to miss my point. We all want a cure for our sicknesses. We have it stuck in our minds that it has to come to us one way only, when the real cure is standing right in front of us and is far less painful and far more effective. Someone has a virus so they go to a doctor to treat the symptoms. We have sin in our lives, so we do what we can to conceal it and empower ourselves to make sure we don't hurt others with that sin. OR we go "cough" all over everyone else and don't care who we infect, after all, we're all sinful and it's unavoidable; we're all going to get sick so we'll help the cause by spreading it. Either way, nothing gets to the heart of the problem. A virus is an impostor. If it can sneak past the immune system, it can get into the cells where it hides. Cells reproduce at break-neck speed and they make carbon copies of what's inside of the parent cell. If the virus is in there, it will infect the next cell too, until you are laid up in bed hacking out a lung over the porcelain throne. Wicked, isn't it? Sin is the same way. Jesus called it Leavening, "Don't you know that a little leaven leavens the whole loaf?"
I have a cure for that! Just like I have a physical treatment for many ailments including viruses, I also know the cure for the spiritual virus of sin or leavening. It's an oil called the Holy Spirit and the source thereof is Jesus the Messiah, Yeshua HaMeshiach, the unleavened loaf. Later this year will mark the 25th year since I said, "Yes!" to Him, the cure for my spiritual virus of sin. But in all my 25 years, my children are the only people I have had the privilege of leading to that saving cure. I have told hundreds of people about this Savior, but only 3 have responded. It is not about keeping score with other Christians. I am SO not into that tally game. I know there are different parts to the body of believers and everyone has a job to do. Some are tillers, some planters, some waterers. But seriously, why do I tell people about the cure for their spiritual demise and NO ONE, save three, have accepted the remedy?
Same reason they do not accept the remedy I have for a virus that could save their life. They want it in a pretty little package with an abbreviation after the name. They don't believe there is something out there that could be so widely rejected if it is truly effective. The federal government won't approve these remedies because they cannot control it. It's too unpredictable, not synthetic, not insurable. Well, neither is Jesus! We can't control Him or tell him how we like things to be and thus program Him to our liking. I tell folks about Jesus and they just don't believe that there could be such a simple cure for an eternal problem that SO MANY people would reject. How could that many people possibly be wrong? So they follow the majority and reject the minority on the only thing that truly matters in all eternity. That is why I have never led anyone to salvation outside my immediate family. It's not because I didn't tell them. It's because no one wants the cure. No one wants to get well. They have chosen the path that leads to destruction because, after all, how could so many people be so wrong?
Will you follow the deception or will you accept the cure for spiritual sickness? To find out how you can accept the Cure, click on the tab at the top of this page labeled "The Main Thing". Thank you!
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